Smart cities: The Future of Urbanization

We live in a time where data and information reign supreme. Corporations, governments, and other organizations spend millions of dollars to collect and buy data to use for a variety of purposes. Governments utilize data to enact more effective policies and provide support for sectors in need. Corporations use data to increase productivity, learn more about their customers, and increase their competitiveness in the marketplace.
But what if we were to use this overwhelming amount of data to build and manage a city? That’s the future smart cities might just be offering.


What is a smart city?

The Internet of Things (IoT) allows the collection of astronomical amounts of data that can be used to create more efficient processes. A smart city is an urban center that utilizes this data to improve and manage the many aspects of a city. This could be monitoring the flow of traffic and adjusting lanes accordingly, or something as simple as monitor the number of cars going into a parking garage.
Smart cities promise a more productive and efficient way of life by using data to improve the processes that affect our daily lives. Using a variety of different systems, smart cities can improve their day-to-day operations and create positive change for individuals as well as businesses.


The technology inside a smart city

One form of technology that can be used is Geographical Information Systems (GIS) which assists people in planning in real-time. GIS collects data through apps for people to achieve a faster, safer, and efficient journey. Mapping allows GIS to assist with finding transit routes and road layouts for quicker commutes.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) works well with GIS because it supports all technology, and applications to manage data. ICT is connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) which allows you to instantly send data using wireless technology. The data received through IoT can be used to help understand the needs of a city and help manage tasks.
These technologies work well together to keep a smart city running and more importantly help the citizens residing there live safer and more efficient lives. It’s no wonder that these technologies are trending across the globe to help with business growth and to develop smart cities.
So what are some of these technologies, and how are they influencing our daily lives?

Israeli smart city startups driving change

Israel dominates the high-tech industry scene through a highly educated, and highly skilled community of people residing there. Startups in Israel have brilliant solutions to help people and smart cities grow together. The government of Israel has a goal of building a stronger connection with its people and smart cities could be the answer.
These startups offer solutions such as assisting government leaders to hear from their communities, as well as assisting with day-to-day tasks. This allows more time for government officials to focus on the people and provide people with the opportunity to give feedback with decision-making in real-time.
As the world starts to re-open, local governments need feedback from their communities to help guide key decisions. Investors have contributed over $50 million to help develop this type of technology, which shows great confidence in the future of helping local governments have a stronger connection with their people through community feedback.


Traffic management

An Israeli startup is using a cloud-based platform to help with traffic management. This platform collects data to give you better insights into your routes and roads. From a public standpoint, you will be able to get information on road conditions, traffic stops, construction, accidents, and more. This will allow you to have a safer and more efficient journey in your day-to-day life.
The Private sector can improve safety by presenting data through mobile apps, they state predictions to allow drivers to avoid high-risk areas and offer live feeds of car accidents. Large cities like Las Vegas have seen the benefits of this technology and have partnered up with this Israeli startup to improve their processes. After initial implementation, a study has shown that highway crashes have been reduced by 18 percent while using this platform.
The project utilized digital signs to inform the public that their speed was being monitored and motorists have taken the initiative to slow down on stretches of highway that have an increased rate of vehicle crashes. With added caution and attentiveness, crashes were much more unlikely. This made the roads much safer and kept traffic flowing much more efficiently.

Health and preventive measures

In light of Covid-19, the world has been shifted, people are now more careful than ever in keeping themselves and others around them protected from sickness. A startup in Israel transforms public spaces into safe environments through light technology which essentially disinfects a room.
This sort of technology will allow us to bring back normality and be able to go to public spaces worry-free. Public retail businesses can now have access to this innovative lighting system which will create a safer, personalized, and positive experience for customers. The installation has occurred at NCR Retail Latin Lab and is also ongoing in South America.
These kinds of innovations help to provide a much safer environment for everyone. Even after the pandemic is over, this technology can be used in high-traffic public areas to help eliminate the possibility of the transmission of illness. Public transport is the perfect candidate and will undoubtedly see some kind of implementation of this technology.


Smart technologies and smarter cities

It will take some time to see fully integrated smart cities, but that doesn’t mean change isn’t happening. In fact, some of the biggest cities have begun testing and implementing smart technology to enhance the many processes that take place in urban life. These cities are becoming smarter and have become launching pads for the many startups looking to revolutionize the lives of the billions of people on this planet.
The future is now and smart cities are making their way around the globe. These cities are looking to improve the lives of the millions of people living in cities around the world. They can build a stronger connection and community and will allow us to move forward into a more peaceful, safe, and efficient life.

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